Lunas Collective stands in solidarity with the peoples of Myanmar and their liberation

29 November 2023

Lunas Collective stands in solidarity with the peoples of Myanmar and their liberation. We join the 16 days of activism against gender based violence and stand for the right of all peoples to live with dignity, and live free of and safe from violence. This includes the right to one’s sexuality, reproductive freedom, irrespective of age, abilities, socio-economic status, gender identity or sexual orientation, political or spiritual affiliations, and convictions. 

As advocates of reproductive freedom and justice, we recognize that sexual and reproductive healthcare and rights are often taken from structurally disenfranchised people–this includes the women, men, children, and genderqueer individuals of Myanmar. 

We take a stand against the harms of capitalism, colonialism, and racism. We stand for reproductive freedom and justice, and join global calls for  equitable access to sexual and reproductive healthcare and rights for all. In this regard, we condemn the Myanmar military’s seizure of all legislative, executive, and judicial powers in the country. We also strongly denounce the Myanmar military’s violent crackdown on dissent and democratic processes, bolstered by the funding of global political powers.

Since the Myanmar military seized control of the country through a coup in 2021, more than 25,400 human rights defenders and civilians have been arrested, more than 19,700 have been detained, more than 4,200 have been murdered, and more than 2 million have been forcibly displaced from their homes. 

Documented cases of sexual and gender based violence against women, men, girls, and boys, at the hands of the Myanmar military, continue to increase. The routine and systematic use of rape and sexual violence as weapon by the military have been also documented by the United Nations. Security Force Monitor’s study “Under Whose Command?” uncovered that more than 60% of all senior army commanders had alleged disappearances, killings, rape, or instances of torture committed by units under their command since 2011. Moreover, more than 50% of the commanders were promoted in rank after at least one alleged disappearance, killing, rape or instance of torture was committed by the units under their command. The Women’s League of Burma reported that fear of further harassment deterred many from reporting sexual violence.

Most recently, the Myanmar military bombed Mung Lai Hkyet, a camp for conflict-displaced people in northern Myanmar’s Kachin State. 28 civilians including 12 children were killed and dozens of shelters were destroyed. 

The coup is an escalation of the Myanmar military’s decades-long abuse against ethnic minorities in the country. Since the 1960s, the Myanmar military’s use of its “four cuts” strategy has been documented–cutting off the access to food, funds, intelligence, and recruits of whom it considers an opponent, harming civilians in the process.

Lunas Collective joins hundreds of civil society and social justice organizations and groups in the call for an end to the atrocities perpetrated by the Myanmar military.

We amplify the call for immediate global action to end military rule issued by women’s rights groups in Myanmar and in Asia, which specifies the following demands:

  1. To institute a comprehensive global arms embargo on Myanmar, to end the direct and indirect supply sale or transfer of all weapons and other military equipment used for training, intelligence and military assistance; 
  2. To institute a jet fuel embargo and end to military air strikes against civilians;
  3. To increase humanitarian assistance to Myanmar and migrants and refugees from Myanmar, including cross border aid;
  4. To immediately dispatch a well-equipped monitoring and intervention mission to Myanmar to end the state sponsored human rights violations being perpetrated against civilians exercising their rights to peaceful assembly.
  5. To refer military coup council members and personnel to the ICC for their mass atrocities against peaceful protesters; ethnic Kachin, Karen, Shan, Rohingya, Rakhine; and, other civilians.

We believe in the feminist principle that our oppressions and freedoms are interconnected. To borrow the words of intersectional feminist Audre Lorde, none of us are free until all of us are free, even when our shackles are different from each other’s.



Lunas Collective stands in solidarity with Palestinians and peoples across the world for a Free Palestine


28 November 2023

Lunas Collective stands in solidarity with Palestinians and peoples across the world for a free Palestine. We stand for the right of all peoples to live with dignity, and live free of and safe from violence. This includes the right to one’s sexuality and reproductive freedom, irrespective of age, abilities, socio-economic status, gender identity or sexual orientation, political or spiritual affiliations, and convictions.

As advocates of reproductive freedom and justice, we recognize that sexual and reproductive healthcare and rights are often taken from structurally disenfranchised people–this includes Palestinian women, men, children, and genderqueer individuals.

We assert that reproductive freedom and justice stand in contrast to capitalism, colonialism, and racism. It promotes equitable access to sexual and reproductive healthcare and rights for all. In this regard, we condemn all violence against Palestinian and Israeli civilians. We also strongly denounce the Israeli government’s ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people, bolstered by the funding of Western governments.

Since October 7, 2023, Israel's airstrikes in Gaza have caused major casualties: over 14,800 deaths, including at least 6,150 children, and 36,000 injuries, with 8,600 children affected. More than 270 attacks on healthcare facilities have been documented, including the most recent raid on al-Shifa hospital. 

The ongoing siege has led to a sexual and reproductive healthcare crisis, affecting 50,000 pregnant individuals, with doctors performing Cesarean sections without anesthetics. This has also rendered hygiene products and contraceptives inaccessible to those who need it, and has made medical care unavailable to those with infections related to contraceptive devices.

This siege is an escalation of Israel's 75-year illegal occupation and apartheid regime in Palestinian territories. Gaza has endured a 16-year blockade, resulting in multiple military assaults, disproportionately affecting Palestinian women. The continued oppression calls for an end to Israel's siege, occupation, and apartheid regime. Dr. Sara Roy emphasizes that Gaza needs not just aid but also freedom to interact normally with the world to achieve sustainable peace.

Lunas Collective joins thousands of civil society and social justice non-governmental and nonprofit organizations and groups in the call for a full and permanent ceasefire in Gaza.

We amplify the call for action issued by Palestinians from Gaza and in exile which specifies the following demands:

  1. An immediate ceasefire to allow for dignified burials for the deceased in overflowing morgues and under rubble, and to prevent disease outbreaks.
  2. The urgent restoration of water, food, fuel, medical supplies, and humanitarian aid.
  3. Immediate protection of medical facilities and the reversal of the illegal and inhumane evacuation orders for hospitals.
  4. The facilitation of safe passage for casualties and critically ill individuals in need of medical treatment.
  5. Opening the crossings for those seeking to evacuate and permitting the entry of medical and rescue teams, along with their equipment.

We believe in the feminist principle that our oppressions and freedoms are interconnected. To borrow the words of intersectional feminist Audre Lorde, who advocated for the recognition of the rights of the Palestinian people in her lifetime, none of us are free until all of us are free, even when our shackles are different from each other’s.




Feminist Counseling Boot Camp and Feminist Leadership Training Empowers Leaders and Counselors

We successfully completed our first-ever Feminist Counseling Boot Camp and Leadership Training Program, which took place from April to October 2022. This initiative brought together aspiring feminist peer counselors and leaders into a community dedicated to creating a more inclusive and caring world.

The program has drawn participants from diverse backgrounds, united by their commitment to promoting gender justice and using social media to support those affected by gender-based violence.

We are on a mission to empower those who wish to learn about providing care and leading with a feminist perspective.

Leadership training highlights importance of grassroots activism.
The Leadership Training, offered to youth leaders and gender justice advocates, is an inclusive opportunity that emphasizes the importance of feminist leadership, care, and grassroots activism. The program includes both synchronous and asynchronous learning, allowing participants to engage with a wide range of topics and practical skills.

Among the key areas of focus are:

  1. Gender, Sexuality, and Power Orientation
  2. Care Work as Work
  3. Ethical Use of Data
  4. Community of Care
  5. Self-Care Tools and Strategies for Service Users
  6. Self-Care for Feminist Leaders
  7. Advocacy and Orientation to Conducting the Lunas Collective Feminist Care Module

As a vital part of their training, participants shared their learnings by conducting at least two Lunas Collective Feminist Care (LCFC) learning sessions with partners and possible volunteers.

Online Boot Camp opens sessions for participants nationwide
The Feminist Counseling Boot Camp, meanwhile, welcomed women, people of diverse sexualities, and with diverse abilities, and even cisgender heterosexual men who advocate for gender justice. Since the sessions are held online, participants from across the Philippines, regardless of their ethnicities and regions, were able to join. This program was also open to those with experience in gender equality advocacy, formal education in counselling or related fields was not required.

The Boot Camp training covered a variety of topics, including:

  1. Gender, Sexuality, and Power Orientation
  2. Foundations of Feminist Counseling
  3. Impact of Gender-Based Violence and Sexual and Reproductive Health on Mental Health
  4. Identifying Signs and Symptoms of Disorders Related to GBV
  5. Building Therapeutic Alliances with Service Users
  6. Ethics and Clients' Rights
  7. Self-Care Tools and Strategies for Service Users
  8. Self-Care for Counselors
  9. Community Care and Advocacy

Both programs emphasize the importance of self-care and community care while providing a platform for advocacy. Participants in the Boot Camp have the unique opportunity to engage in supervised practice with Lunas Collective counselors, gaining real-world experience in feminist counseling.

In total, more than 30 participants successfully graduated from the program, equipped with the knowledge and skills to make a real difference in their communities. A select few have continued their journey by volunteering with Lunas Collective.

Program graduates attend #DearSurvivor 2022 

To celebrate the graduates’ achievements, the #DearSurvivor 2022 event was held at B Hotel in Quezon City on December 3, 2022. The event recognized the dedication and hard work of the participants and celebrated their commitment to making the world a more caring and just place.

Our Feminist Counseling Boot Camp and Feminist Leadership Training have not only enriched the lives of its participants but has also planted the seeds for a more compassionate and gender-just society. As we look forward to the future, we remain committed to empowering individuals to lead with care, empathy, and a feminist perspective.

This transformative program was made possible through the leadership of Lunas Collective’s Founder and Director, Sabrina Gacad, and Project Officer Janine Del Mundo. It was proudly supported by organizations such as the UP Center for Women’s Studies Foundation, Inc., the UP Center for Women’s and Gender Studies, the Philippine Business for Social Progress (PBSP), and Global Affairs Canada (GAC) through the Women’s Rights, Action, and Advocacy Project (WRAAP).

Lunas Collective Honored with Prestigious Gender Ombud Kakampi Award 2022 by the Commission on Human Rights

Lunas Collective has been recognized with the esteemed Gender Ombud Kakampi award by the Commission on Human Rights Gender Equality and Women's Human Rights Center.

The Gender Ombud Kakampi Award is a testament to our unwavering dedication to championing the rights of marginalized communities, particularly women and those belonging to the LGBTQIA+ spectrum. It is a celebration of our tireless efforts and substantial contributions in advancing gender equality and ensuring the protection of human rights.

The award ceremony took place during the Commission's "Gabi ng Parangal: Pakilala ng mga Kakampi at katuwang sa Gender Ombud Work," a momentous hybrid event dedicated to acknowledging partner organizations and allies in the noble pursuit of creating a more equitable world for women and individuals of diverse sexual orientations.

The "Gabi ng Parangal'' event was an inspiring gathering of like-minded organizations and individuals, all working harmoniously towards a common goal: the empowerment and upliftment of women and people of diverse sexualities. It was an evening of recognition and gratitude, where the Commission on Human Rights bestowed well-deserved honors upon several remarkable civil society organizations across various categories: International organizations, non-government and non-profits, academe, and government.

Alongside Lunas Collective, other distinguished awardees in the non-government organizations (National Level) category included Likhaan Center for Women's Health, Gantala Press, and Women's Legal and Human Rights Bureau (WLB). These organizations share a common mission, standing shoulder-to-shoulder in the fight for gender equity and human rights.

Like we said in our Facebook post: "Thank you, CHR Gender Equality and Women's Human Rights Center for this award! Lunas Collective is honored to be one of your Gender Ombud Kakampi's in advocating and promoting human rights and gender equality. #NanditoAngLunas, kasama n'yong tumitindig in providing safe care spaces for each and everybody.”

Our commitment to creating safe and inclusive spaces for everyone, regardless of their gender identity or sexual orientation, exemplifies the values of the Gender Ombud Kakampi award. We consistently strive to challenge societal norms and dismantle barriers, working towards a world where every individual can thrive and fulfill their potential without fear of discrimination.

The Gender Ombud Kakampi award is not just a recognition of past accomplishments; it is a call to continue the inspiring work that we and our fellow awardees are doing. Together, we are leading the way in creating a more equitable and inclusive society where everyone can enjoy their human rights to the fullest.

Lunas Collective Spotlighted in New Book on Filipino Women's Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights

Great news! We are featured prominently in the book, "Resisting Marginality: Filipino Women's Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights," edited by Dr. Nathalie Africa-Verceles and published by the University of the Philippines Center for Women's and Gender Studies (UPCWGS) and Oxfam Pilipinas.

“The Making of Lunas Collective: Building Communities of Care” is one of three studies in the book, emphasizing the pivotal role of women's SRHR in policy and action during the pandemic and lockdowns.

The book, available for download here, includes studies by Amanda Lee Centeno, Joshua Carlo Pile, Alyanna Yzabelle Tamayo, Diana Kathrina Fontamillas, and a detailed account of Lunas Collective's origins by our Founder, Sabrina Gacad.

The policy brief is available for download here.

These resources represent young feminists' valuable insights and contributions to ongoing discussions on women's sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR).