#DearSurvivor 2022 Pride Edition: Celebrating Individual Power and Collective Pleasure

We at Lunas Collective marked an empowering and historic moment this Pride Month with its first-ever #DearSurvivor: #PrideMonth Edition on June 28, 2022.

The event focused on creating a safe space for queer individuals and allies to come together and discuss stories of resilience in the face of gender-based violence – while also celebrating the pleasures that make each person unique.

This #PrideMonth edition highlighted the importance of care, compassion, and support in helping individuals take the first step toward healing, justice, and empowerment.

The event was held in collaboration with esteemed partners including the PAP LGBT Psychology Special Interest Group, the University of the Philippines Department of Psychology, UP Center for Women's Studies Foundation, Inc., and UP Center for Women's and Gender Studies.

Our event brought together a distinguished panel of speakers who lent their voices to the cause:

  • Bea Torre - Chairperson at PAP LGBT Special Interest Group, Assistant Professor at the University of the Philippines Department of Psychology, and Qualitative Analyst at Lunas Collective, served as the host, guiding the event with wisdom and compassion.
  • Brenda Alegre - A board member at the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, and Intersex Association - Asia (ILGA) and the Society of Trans Women of the Philippines (STRAP), as well as a Gender Studies Teacher at the University of Hong Kong, shared her insights on the struggles and triumphs of the LGBTQI+ community.
  • Nina Araos - Qualitative Data Analyst at Lunas Collective and a Graduate Student majoring in International Development and Policy Studies in Tokyo, Japan, brought a global perspective to the discussion.
  • Lakan Umali - A talented writer and graduate student based in Metro Manila, added a creative and reflective touch to the dialogue.
  • Philline - A Movement Artist and Embodiment Teacher, showcased the power of art and expression in healing and celebrating one's identity.
  • Brian Baretto - SOGIE Specialist for the Ateneo De Manila University Gender Hub, Lead Volunteer for Flourish by LoveYourself, and a Drag Artist and Host known as Clea T, embodied the diversity and strength of the LGBTQI+ community.

#DearSurvivor, an initiative born out of empathy and solidarity, has been a sanctuary for survivors of gender-based violence to share their stories and heal.

We introduced this virtually in 2020, at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2021, it took a hybrid form, incorporating on-the-ground activities during the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence, a period running from November 25 to December 10 of that year.

The #DearSurvivor: #PrideMonth Edition was a testament to the strength, resilience, and unity of the LGBTQIA+ community and its allies. It served as a reminder that even in the face of adversity, healing and pleasure can be found, and that together, we can overcome challenges and celebrate love and identity.

Watch the online streaming here: #DearSurvivor PRIDE 2022



Lunas Collective Honored with Prestigious Gender Ombud Kakampi Award 2022 by the Commission on Human Rights

Lunas Collective has been recognized with the esteemed Gender Ombud Kakampi award by the Commission on Human Rights Gender Equality and Women's Human Rights Center.

The Gender Ombud Kakampi Award is a testament to our unwavering dedication to championing the rights of marginalized communities, particularly women and those belonging to the LGBTQIA+ spectrum. It is a celebration of our tireless efforts and substantial contributions in advancing gender equality and ensuring the protection of human rights.

The award ceremony took place during the Commission's "Gabi ng Parangal: Pakilala ng mga Kakampi at katuwang sa Gender Ombud Work," a momentous hybrid event dedicated to acknowledging partner organizations and allies in the noble pursuit of creating a more equitable world for women and individuals of diverse sexual orientations.

The "Gabi ng Parangal'' event was an inspiring gathering of like-minded organizations and individuals, all working harmoniously towards a common goal: the empowerment and upliftment of women and people of diverse sexualities. It was an evening of recognition and gratitude, where the Commission on Human Rights bestowed well-deserved honors upon several remarkable civil society organizations across various categories: International organizations, non-government and non-profits, academe, and government.

Alongside Lunas Collective, other distinguished awardees in the non-government organizations (National Level) category included Likhaan Center for Women's Health, Gantala Press, and Women's Legal and Human Rights Bureau (WLB). These organizations share a common mission, standing shoulder-to-shoulder in the fight for gender equity and human rights.

Like we said in our Facebook post: "Thank you, CHR Gender Equality and Women's Human Rights Center for this award! Lunas Collective is honored to be one of your Gender Ombud Kakampi's in advocating and promoting human rights and gender equality. #NanditoAngLunas, kasama n'yong tumitindig in providing safe care spaces for each and everybody.”

Our commitment to creating safe and inclusive spaces for everyone, regardless of their gender identity or sexual orientation, exemplifies the values of the Gender Ombud Kakampi award. We consistently strive to challenge societal norms and dismantle barriers, working towards a world where every individual can thrive and fulfill their potential without fear of discrimination.

The Gender Ombud Kakampi award is not just a recognition of past accomplishments; it is a call to continue the inspiring work that we and our fellow awardees are doing. Together, we are leading the way in creating a more equitable and inclusive society where everyone can enjoy their human rights to the fullest.

Lunas Collective Spotlighted in New Book on Filipino Women's Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights

Great news! We are featured prominently in the book, "Resisting Marginality: Filipino Women's Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights," edited by Dr. Nathalie Africa-Verceles and published by the University of the Philippines Center for Women's and Gender Studies (UPCWGS) and Oxfam Pilipinas.

“The Making of Lunas Collective: Building Communities of Care” is one of three studies in the book, emphasizing the pivotal role of women's SRHR in policy and action during the pandemic and lockdowns.

The book, available for download here, includes studies by Amanda Lee Centeno, Joshua Carlo Pile, Alyanna Yzabelle Tamayo, Diana Kathrina Fontamillas, and a detailed account of Lunas Collective's origins by our Founder, Sabrina Gacad.

The policy brief is available for download here.

These resources represent young feminists' valuable insights and contributions to ongoing discussions on women's sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR).

Share the Care Campaign: Advocating for Safe Spaces and Empowerment

In an effort to address challenges faced in public spaces, we at Lunas Collective launched the “Share the Care” campaign aimed at promoting safe environments, combating street harassment, and fostering solidarity among diverse communities.

This support and empowerment campaign was launched in collaboration with esteemed partners like the Commission on Human Rights - Gender Equality and Women's Human Rights Center, Lakbike, and the Pinay Bike Commuter Community.

The campaign, which was held from October to December 2021, kicked off with a learning session to discuss street safety measures, harassment reporting mechanisms, and the pivotal role of bystanders. This virtual session held on October 14 laid the groundwork for the campaign's ethos of equipping individuals with the knowledge and tools to navigate potential dangers on the streets. (Watch the October 14 Learning Session here)

One of our campaign's pivotal moments was the launch of the Bawal Bastos Reporting platform by the Commission on Human Rights on October 25. This platform, dedicated to reporting Safe Spaces Act violations, stood as a significant milestone in creating avenues for individuals to voice their experiences and seek recourse against harassment and discrimination.
(Watch CHR’s October 25 Bawal Bastos Reporting Platform Launch here)


We further bolstered our advocacy through the introduction of the Share the Care merch kit. This thoughtful collection, which included things like the "Bawal Bastos" drifit shirt, the Pinay Bike Commuter "Kababikeihan" face mask, and stickers from LakBike and CHR, served as tangible symbols of solidarity and support for the cause.

Central to the campaign was the 18km for Safe Spaces call to action, an initiative that echoed the collective commitment to acknowledging and addressing gender-based violence, discrimination, and abuse. Through this, we emphasized the importance of fostering spaces imbued with care and compassion, providing vital support for survivors on their journey toward healing, justice, and empowerment.

Aligned with the 18-Day Campaign to End Violence Against Women, we also organized #DearSurvivor 2021, a poignant online discussion held on December 6. This event provided a platform for survivors, allies, and supporters to share experiences of gender-based violence in both physical and digital realms. Esteemed guests and partners joined in, enriching the dialogue and emphasizing the shared responsibility in creating safe and inclusive environments.
(Watch #DearSurvivor 2021: A Discussion on GBV in Public and Online Spaces here)

The campaign underscored the diverse experiences individuals face regarding gender-based violence, harassment, and discrimination. However, it also highlighted the power of collective action and solidarity. We, along with our partners and allies, reaffirmed our commitment to advocating for safe spaces and #SharingTheCare, both on the streets and online. 

As the campaign drew to a close, we expressed gratitude to all participants, recognizing their invaluable contributions in driving meaningful change. The call for equality and safe spaces for everyone echoes beyond the campaign's duration, standing as a testament to our enduring commitment.

Catch highlights of the Share the Care campaign here: Share the Care Campaign 2021

Reflecting on #DearSurvivor 2021: An Overview of Gender Based Violence Discussion and Safe Spaces

Our #DearSurvivor 2021 event was an insightful online discussion shedding light on gender-based violence (GBV) and the need for safe spaces and support for survivors.

Understanding how to create safe spaces as a bystander is crucial. It's about caring for survivors, helping them start their journey towards healing and justice, which isn't easy given the challenges they face.

We believe in empathy and support as the key to empowering survivors. Sharing experiences of GBV, discrimination, or abuse is tough, and seeking help can be even tougher.

Sabrina Gacad, Founder of Lunas Collective, covered topics on GBV, emphasizing the importance of active listening, understanding, and providing support to survivors.

Participants in private sharing circles found solidarity in discussing their experiences and shared struggles.

During the panel discussion, it was clear that harassment can happen to anyone, anywhere. The focus was on not making excuses for perpetrators and intervening as bystanders in public spaces using tactics like distraction, delegation, delay, direct action, and documentation.

The discussion also highlighted the Safe Spaces Act in the Philippines, showing the legal support available for survivors everywhere.

DearSurvivor 2021 was a powerful reminder of the need to understand, support, and take action against GBV. Let's continue these conversations and efforts to create a world free from gender-based violence.

Watch the online streaming here: #DearSurvivor 2021


Empowering Voices, Uniting Allies: Reflecting on our #DearSurvivor 2020 Event

Our journey as Lunas Collective took a significant stride in creating awareness and fostering positive change during the United Nations’ 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence.

On December 5, 2020, we orchestrated our inaugural #DearSurvivor even – a virtual space where survivors and allies converged to delve into the impact of gender-based violence, discrimination, and the critical need for survivor-centered responses.

The 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence, which happened from November 25 to December 10, mobilized global communities to combat one of humanity's pressing issues: violence against women.

On our founding year, we seized the opportunity to provide a platform for survivors to share their experiences while allies extended their unwavering support.

Our event showcased an exceptional lineup of speakers and contributors. The courageous Rosem Morton shared her own journey, inspiring attendees to embrace their narratives and commence the healing process. Sabrina Gacad, our Founder and a Professor of Women and Development Studies at UP Diliman, steered conversations on privilege, intersectionality, and crafting empathetic responses to gender-based violence.

Sabrina led participants through a transformative breathing and connecting ritual, shifting from emotional discussions to a space of unity and empowerment. This unique approach fostered a sense of togetherness, reassuring participants that their struggles are not solitary, reinforcing their pursuit of justice.

In addition to our esteemed speakers, a dedicated panel contributed significantly to the event's success. Shebana Alqaseer, co-founder of the Young Feminists Collective, emphasized gender and human rights. Danna Aduna, a volunteer manager of Lunas Collective since its inception in March 2020, offered valuable insights. Ellie De Castro, a National Geographic Explorer and archaeologist, discussed safer research spaces, while Viola Torres, handling gender-sensitive psychosocial assistance at the UP Center for Women's and Gender Studies, contributed her expertise.

The collaborative support of esteemed partners such as Australia Global Alumni, FamiLigtas, UP Center for Women's and Gender Studies, and many others elevated the impact of our #DearSurvivor event, solidifying its position as a catalyst in the fight against gender-based violence.

At Lunas Collective, we remain dedicated to advocating for a world free from violence and discrimination. Our inaugural #DearSurvivor event marked a significant stride towards this vision. By establishing a platform for voices to resonate, stories to be shared, and healing to begin, we've made a monumental move towards a safer, more equitable world for all.

Key insights from our #DearSurvivor event, visualized by Claudine Delfin:

Privilege Walk
Participants examined their personal privileges through a virtual check-in.

Some challenges related to experiences of gender based violence included the survivors’ distrust in the system, highlighting the importance of communities and allies in providing essential support.

The private sharing circles brought forth keywords like guilt, fear, low self-esteem, emphasizing the need for empathetic listening and empowering survivors.

Another key insight in the sharing circles was survivors’ need for empathetic listening and empathy – emphasizing community building and recognizing survivors' strength, and the role of allies in supporting survivors and letting them reclaim their space.

As part of the closing activity, some participants and panel members gave their words of affirmation, starting with the phrase, “Dear Survivor.”


We at Lunas Collective remain committed to championing change, amplifying voices, and building a world where every individual thrives without fear or discrimination.


Watch the online streaming here: #DearSurvivor 2020